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It burned my computer, but that's a neat idea.

Yeah, I cannot figure out why but in some combination of computer/browser it gets really bad performance while in others it works quite smoothly.
This is my first game in JavaScript so I there are probably better ways to do the split screen thing.

Thanks for playing

This is such a good idea. Super nice job.

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Hey, is there a particularly recommended browser? I've tried FireFox and Chrome [edit: and Edge] so far and it seems like trying to use magic that exists in more than one dimension causes the game to black out and stop working.


It's a bug in the bug, I will make an update fixing it


😂😂😂 "It's a bug in the bug" I meant the game. I have only tried it in Chrome but some friends confirmed it was working well in Safari as well.

About the bug, I was trying to access the world array out of bounds. I was so obsessed about it being related to the clones and multiple realities management, but you hinted me in the right direction... I was trying to access an out of bounds position of the word array.

It's now fixed, using my pathfinding map that I already use for the enemies and now the fire is blocked by obstacles.


Dude, this is one of the coolest ideas ive seen haha


Thanks 😊
I'm still working on it, will make updates in parallel to the official 7DRL version until I reach my original plan (14DRL maybe 😂)

I can't lose because of quantum immortality.

That's the spirit!